Pesky Content Filters

Sometimes companies can have some over zealous content filtering web-proxies/firewalls. To combat this, I’ve used this little SOCKS proxy called nylon in the past. Run it on your own Linux machine like so:

nylon -f -a company_ip

I like to run it in the foreground so I don’t forget to turn it off. Another note is that for some reason I wasn’t able to get nylon to work with Firefox unless I told Firefox to use the older SOCKS v4 protocol. Nylon hasn’t been updated in a couple of years, perhaps it has a v5 bug?

Another option that I haven’t tried, but appears to work with windows as well is 3proxy (with the world’s worst website).

Finally, the two solutions above can give you full internet access and not just web pages. However, viewing web pages through a proxy in this manner can be quite sluggish, so it might be worth your time to use squid as your web proxy since it caches content.

Here’s to freedom.